Per incident: review and/or updates to existing pages. |
£25.00 per hour |
Per page: web-site creation and additional page generation. Based on template pages personalized for you. If you wish a unique style add the bespoke layout option below. |
£50.00 per page (Min. charge £100.00) |
Web Log: Creation of a web log (blog) news page styled to match site template. A blog page allows for regularly updated content which assists in Search Engine Optimization. |
£100.00 |
Bespoke Layout: page layout designed to your specifications. A selection of design choices provided to choose from. |
£100.00 |
E-commerce: provision of a fully-featured e-commerce facility. Full back-end processing: inventory/ stock management, automated email responses, customer database etc. Initial product definitions and training. |
£1000.00 |
Shopping Cart: addition of basic on-line purchasing facility. |
from £200.00 |